Call open! Youth exchange for people from 🇱🇺🇵🇹
Place: Izola, Slovenia
Dates: 12 – 18 May 2019
Application Deadline: April 14, 2019
#GiveAVote Youth Exchange
We're looking for 6 young people - 3 from each of the following countries:
- Luxembourg
- Portugal

You'll be joining us in Izola, Slovenia for a 5-day training on young people, the European Union, civic engagement in general and voting in particular. You'll have debates, learn more about how the EU works and even meet candidates for the European Parliament. You can even become a multiplier for #GiveAVote and help the activists in your country rock the campaign.
Who we're looking for
If you tick all the boxes bellow, we want to hear from you!
- Aged 18-31
- Have the motivation to learn more about Europe and its institutions. Plus, participants must be eager to act as multipliers to promote the youth vote at the upcoming EU elections
- Can work and communicate in English
- Be able to attend the full duration of the event
- Must by no means be associated with any political party.
Priority will be given to young people with no previous experience in youth exchanges or training events.
Priority will be given to young people coming from disadvantaged social, economic, geographical or cultural backgrounds.
What’s in it for you?
- You get to travel to Slovenia!
- You will get to meet like-minded people from other European countries
- You will be trained in how to effectively use social media channels and be part of a youth-led movement around participation and the importance of voting in the EU elections 2019
- You will gain skills and knowledge about EU institutions, decision making processes, the role of the European Parliament and importance of voting in elections
- Hands-on experience in promoting voting in your community
- By the end of the event, you will receive a YouthPass certificate that will look great on your CV!
Reimbursements and Fees
Full board accommodation and meals will be provided. However, you will be asked to book your own transportation to reach Slovenia. The costs of the transportation will be reimbursed up to the following amounts:
- From Luxembourg - reimbursement up to 300 EUR
- From Portugal - reimbursement up to 350 EUR
In case selected participants are not able to book their own transportation upfront, we will help with the process according to our policy of no discrimination and equal opportunities to everyone.
How to apply
Apply here by 14 April 2019.